Social/Raiding Application

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Social/Raiding Application

Post by Einherjard »


1) Name of character:

2) Class:
Fury warrior
(I have 12+ tanking experience so if need be, i can always switch)

3) Please provide an armoury link here: ... einherjard
(in tank spec around 606, in fury i believe it's 610)

4) What is your prefered spec for raiding and why?:
i'd be more then willing to tank because that WAS what i was used to but i've been finding joy in playing a DPS spec as well just to see more then one side of the coin. For raiding, i'd go with DPS.

5) Tell us a little about yourself in RL (please include your age and note that we are an 18+ guild):
So, (yes, get it out of your system with the old meme) my name if Jeff for short, in full Jeffrey. I live in the Netherlands and i'm 32 years old. I'm a writer and find joy in the genre of Fantasy. Some hobbies would be very clearly gaming, archery, writing and reading.

6) What kind of guild are you after?:
I've been a guild leader for years, raid leader for years and returning after DF, i've found myself longing for a place to call home. No stress, no leading nothing, just a place to be where i'm comfortable as i can give what i receive and that is fun and comfort.

7) Why have you chosen to apply to Blackrock Diving School?:
I've seen some people walking around with the guild name and decided to google it and landed here and after reading the social and raiding rules i have to say, it's the first guild i've come across whom is so concrete and well set in both the matter of being respectable and striving that virtue and also in terms of raiding, a solid 10/10 when it comes to my experience.

8) What guild were you a member of prior to your application to BDS and why have you chosen to leave them?
Pfoo. I've been part of the guild The Seven Serpents. The reason why i left, in a respectable manner from both sides, is because i had to walk on egg shells in certain topics. I believe in respect in any shape or form but they.. this might break or make my application, they lean very heavy in the being inclusive factor as long as you abide by which means there is no open ground for debate (bare in mind that i read the social and raiding rules of your guild and i will live by those). I respect then and they respect me for my choice of leaving and i still talk to some and they accept and understand my choice. I wouldn't fit in in the long run and i saw that myself hence i made the choice to leave. Again, i'm looking for a place to call home and possibly find new friends, not to cause a ruckus nor disrespect anybody.

9) As a guild, we have clear social expectations, including helping guildies, participating in guildchat, being polite and courteous, and generally fitting in with a group of fun loving raiders. What do you think you could add socially to the guild? What are the things you like to do most, outside of raiding?:
I'm very helpful. If 20 minutes of my time result to a person being happy then it's a small gift given through the acts of doing something like filling a spot in a M+ or carrying them through a raid with one of their twink. It's the deeds that matter as long as they are genuine. Being part of a guild means being a cog in a big machine, it works best if we're all turning and helping each other smooths that out like no tomorrow.

10) Tell us something about your raiding experience so far. This can include experience raiding with other characters:
I have mostly HC raiding experience from WoD and forward. I have some in Wotlk and older but remembering that or recalling memories of that is harder then doing a backflip. Yes, i'm sorry, i skipped MoP haha.

11) We raid 3 nights a week. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays from 20:30 (server time) to 22:30. Could you tell us a little about your availability to raid then? Note the more availability the better and that 50% minimum attendance is required!
I am my own boss, it will be extremely rare for me to not be available for raiding.

12) As part of raiding, we require good planning and forward commitment by our raiders, and an understanding that we have to rotate a little to ensure all raids are full and balanced. What would you do if you signed and we told you there would be no room?
Then i'd accept that and offer at least to hop in at the start and plop down my Algari Flask Cauldron. Helping the guild is helping myself. I might have a alt geared by then but that's a different story (pointing to... 2.7b? i believe)

13) Have you read, understood, and agreed with the Contracts on this website? This includes social rules, raiding rules, and miscellaneous rules.
Yes, no, maybe, cookies.
Yes i have read both social and the raiding rules in it's full and skimmed though the others. I understand and wholesomely agree with that. I do have to add, i did not find the Miscellaneous rules? Could be just me but as far as my understanding goes, i'd would not surprise me if i agree with those as well.
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Re: Social/Raiding Application

Post by Davine »

Hello Einherjard,

Thank you for your extensive application. An officer will contact you online (or, poke any of our guild you see online to ask for an officer).
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Re: Social/Raiding Application

Post by Davine »

Accepted on trial. o/
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